Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Change=Death why?

Why is this Picture reminds Mr. Sudoku of Change and Death.The person on the pics (is a Philosopher and a friend of Mr Sudoku, i met him in person)which was posted in Seoul in 2007. But depsite this picture, why is it death and change? but Imagine If I put a pic of my Korean friend with the title of Death, it would be so offensive!!

Olaf: I know so well its joke but this kind of my attitude might be coming from the idea of traditional confucianism context in Korea. read this.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Things I did

Lovely vintage looking Ad for the Flea marktet!! wish i can get a copy of this leaflat!!
The other morning I went to see student's flea market at the Bergen academy. got really nice books, bags, muffler( will keep me warm for a while) and a mat to role rice with seaweed. they almost for Free!!